Things you can do with your white privilege

What would you do if you were black? Has anyone asked you that question before? We all have experiences that shape us the way we are. Most of us cannot help the fact our mentality came from other people's opinions of us in the first place. It is common for a person who is white, not to see their privilege. They are not used to having obstacles in their way because of their race. But that does not mean they cannot understand their privilege and educate themselves. Nowadays, we have so many resources to do your research on any topic. It is quite clear that white people get away with a lot of scenarios in life that minorities find obstacles. Even with that privilege, how can individuals use it to help others? Here are the ways you can help.

1. Wages that are affected based on race

Since day one, white men in general always got considered getting a higher pay range than other minorities. The racial gap has stemmed from a system where it was made for people of color to fail. Imagine trying to elevate yourself in a world where everyone is against you. That is why a white person in a CEO position should use their power to change that. They should create a law that is permanent in the system to have all races get paid equally.

2. Media's lack representation

The one thing a person of white privilege knows is that they do not have to worry about being represented. Most of the television is mostly for the white audience. Imagine being in a world where your race of people is barely being seen. That is why white people in the industry should try to hire people of different racial backgrounds to their team. Let them market their own people in mainstream media. It will be useful to others.

3. Jobs are harder for certain races to get

I can count too many times on how race played a huge factor in someone getting the job. It is hard when you want to make a decent living when negative stereotypes get in the way. Picture you, having all the experience in the world. With outstanding skills to match, your race is the only thing stopping you.  That is why people with a particular privilege need to speak up about the matter. Share to someone who hires new recruitment and give them a perspective they fail to see. 

4. Questioning a minorities position

People of color don't usually get high positions in companies that are made by the white majority. So when we do, it comes off as a surprise for other people when it happens. It gets frustrating because the majority sees it as a pity for the nonprivileged when it is a change that needs to happen. For this judgment to stop, as a person who has privilege, you must award people based on hard work, not on race.

5. Police officers attacking people of color

You do not know what it's like to be stopped and frisked because of your race. For you to automatically be a walking target for law enforcement is not a good feeling. There is something about people of color being a threat that makes police officers be on edge. To change this, you can either have a community meeting with police officers listening to your perspective or work as one and try to call out your fellow workers. As a person who is in a higher position, try to convince the higher up to create a different practice that avoids police brutality and unnecessary killings.

You are not a horrible person because of your privilege. You need to be aware of it and use it for the right reasons.  Educate yourself on what your position is and how it affects others. You never know what you might learn from it. It is not easy for one person to speak up for change, but it gets better when it is an entire village.


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