Going to College. Is it for Business or for the Future?

Have you ever wondered why you even went to college? For the amount of money you spent, you would think finding a job will be easy as soon as you get a degree. That is not the case for everyone out of college. Based on the pressure from people around you, you start to question what can you do in life.

Advertisers all over the world say that college will give you a better life. When really it gives them large amounts of money to fill their pockets. Never wanted to have doubts in my education but ever since I have been dealing with the aftermath of graduating from college. I’m really starting to think is college for business or is it for our future?

People all over the world get their kids prepared for college. It is one of those traditions for years where teenagers get to transform into being an adult. Parents get so excited when this event occurs to the point they expect it. So many parents love to brag about their perfect child being accepted to college. It's a time where people feel like it is a boost of self-esteem and image once you are seeking a degree.

Everything has changed so much since the internet has become another aspect of employment. So many people seem to find success without a degree. With the number of stories from big heavy hitters finding their success without it, the more people question college advertisement. Did they waste their time depending on large amounts of money on a degree that they will not use?

Absolutely, a lot of individuals find it difficult to get employment after college. They tend to hold off on what their dreams really are and focus on getting any job. Maybe I’m wrong about the situation because there are degrees that you can get jobs automatically such as nursing and engineering. Let's be serious, not everybody wants to be a nurse or an engineer. Especially putting up with a major you are not passionate about.

Nursing or engineering are not an easy subject to pass. What's the point on spending your money on something you are going to be miserable doing. People end up in a situation of taking a major that their parents will accept. It hinders them because people end up with career paths they do not enjoy and might change later.

When our parents was growing up, life was a little bit different for them. Jobs was easier to get with a degree. It made you stand out from candidates when having a bachelor's. People wanted to interview you when they see your resume. Big time companies wanted to hire you just cause you got a degree. But times change, and the job market shifts with what's current. Is having a degree worthless to most situations? It can be useful if you are trying to learn new things about yourself and your identity. It all depends on what you are going to do with it.
If you are investing in money for your education, it is going to be something you are completely passionate about. Not something people tell you to do because people feel it is an easy way out.

You want to invest and get your money's worth on a major you are interested in and are even good at. Some of us go for majors that complement personal hobbies we like to do in our spare time such as writing, filming and acting. But when you get a dose of the real world, those majors are not going to fly. It sucks because people who are only good at being in the arts feel as if it's unfair to fit in traditional standards. Not everyone can work 9 to 5. Not everyone is suited for putting on a fake smile to please customers.
A lot of people tend to suffer in the process of even looking for a job because they probably do not know there next plan. They are confused at what jobs matches there skill level that is not their degree. Most of the time they choose the wrong choice of employment just because they were desperate or frustrated with the options out there.

People who major in art, it becomes a harsh reality. A lot of people go through depression at this time because they feel worthless. They do not have skills sets for jobs that matter right now. That can kill somebody based off of what they have been practicing doesn't matter at all. Since they have all that debt to pay, puts on ten more pounds of stress.

Don't be surprised when they question going back to school or even heading to start school. If you are going to get the same type of jobs to work before and after a degree, you can't blame them for having second thoughts for going to college after high school. Not everyone fits in the regular 40-hour job for the rest of their life. But there are some that are willing to do anything to use that to support their side hustle.

Most people who are art majors take a regular job at a grocery store and work on their side hustle whenever they can. People who have art majors feel like practicing their craft will eventually get them a job of there dreams. We can never really judge or determine just by a person's past. It all depends on the decisions they make at the moment that affect the future.


  1. Good question Brianna. Really makes one think right? I barely use my degree.

  2. Great post Briana! This is a very important topic! The cost of living and college tuition are only increasing, and jobs are getting harder and harder to come by! I think it takes planning. You want to pick a major wisely. Will you get a job with a degree in that major? How easily will you get work? Will you get paid well with a job in that major and be able to pay off your student loans? If the prospects don’t look good, then you might want to look into other options. College isn’t the only route to success, although it is one of the surest ways. The truth is money colleges only care about getting money. There are so many colleges and majors to choose from, and many don’t really care if you are successful after graduation, as long as you enroll and they get money from you. You have to make decisions wisely to ensure a secure future for yourself and your loved ones. By the way, I nominated you for the Real Neat Blogger Award! You can read my post about the award on my blog for details!


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